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migraines treatment Calgary treatment


Migraines are throbbing headaches that cause intense pain. Lasting hours or even days, migraines can be debilitating and prevent you from doing your daily activities.

What are Migraines?

Migraines can progress through 4 stages: 

  • Prodrome
  • Aura 
  • Attack
  • Post-drome 

The prodrome stage occurs a day or 2 before the attack and is characterized by subtle symptoms such as mood changes and neck stiffness. An aura is a visual event that occurs right before or during the attack. It can be recognized by bright spots and flashes of light in your line of sight. The post-drome occurs after the migraine attack and leaves you fatigued. Common side effects of migraines include nausea, vomiting, and hypersensitivity to light and sound.

migraine doctor calgary

Causes of migraines

Migraines are known to trigger due to:

  • Hormonal changes in women 
  • Certain drinks and foods
  • Stress and fatigue
  • Excessive sensory stimulation 
  • Certain medications
  • Genetics also play a role in the frequency of migraines. 


Who is at risk?

Anybody can develop migraines. Those with a family history may get them more often. 

migraine causes

What are the most effective treatments?

  • Pain-relieving medications, including aspirin and ibuprofen, can help alleviate symptoms during migraine attacks. 
  • Preventive medications like the blood pressure-lowering propranolol and certain antidepressants can reduce the severity and frequency of migraines. 
  • Botox has also been demonstrated to help prevent migraines. 


Dr. Guo’s team at Rejuvenation Calgary North has experience treating all forms of migraines. We offer a suite of pain-relieving and preventive medications, as well as Botox treatments, to combat chronic migraine attacks. To get rid of these enervating headaches as soon as possible, call us at 403-286-6888 or fill out the online contact form below.



405 130 Country Village Road NE,

Calgary, AB, 

T3K 6B8,



Tel: 1-403-286-6888

Opening Hours

Monday & Friday: 8:30am - 3pm
Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday: 7:30am - 3pm
Saturday & Sunday: Closed

Opening times can change, if your appointment is outside of these times please contact the clinic for confirmation.